BSI PO BOX 509, JOSEPH, OR. 97846
"100% Guaranteed - Because It Works!"
WITH MORE THAN 30 ONLINE EXERCISE PROGRAMS & 100+ EXERCISES TO CHOOSE FROM, FLEXTEND® - RESTORE™ Reversible Training System is the MOST successful, non-invasive therapy that restores balance to the affected joints and muscles while minimizing pain and symptoms associated with:
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100% NO-RISK
FLEXTEND-RESTORE corrects muscle finger, hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder imbalances by strengthening and shortening the long, weak, underdeveloped muscles while simultaneously stretching and lengthening the opposing short, tight, overdeveloped muscles in order to create balance and equality of muscle length and strength between the muscles that open, close, pronate, supinate, extend, flex, rotate and perform radial and ulnar deviation of the fingers, hand, wrist and elbow.
Correcting the muscle imbalance reduces the abnormal pressure within and around each joint, allowing the bones to shift back into their normal, neutral (centered / aligned) position, thereby providing relief from pain while increasing flexibility and mobility of the affected area(s).
FLEXTEND-AC & TFT KITS = 100+ Exercises
In order to enhance upper-body power, strength and endurance for Golfer's, Tennis Player's, Guitarists, Drummers and any athlete wanting to INCREASE the strength, power, and endurance of their:
The TFT-KIT Accessory attaches to ncreasing tension on individual fingers or specific joint segments is a MUST for conditions like DeQuervain's, Trigger Thumb and Trigger Finger.
You can create multiple resistance combinations for single or multi-joint exercises with Flextend Restore reversible glove to enhance the rate of recovery as well as maximize overall strength performance levels.
Customer Reviews
Dr. Preston Wakefield
Dr. Wakefield specializes in Musicians and Athletes
"I find the product is excellent at preventing re-injury because it improves strength and muscle endurance, coupled with joint flexibility and stability which improves overall function and performance, thus enhances playing skills."
Steve Roy
Need a financial consultant? The company will find the specialist that will become your best friend and solve your problem at the shortest terms.
Nancy McGregor
“I tried FLEXTEND even before a patient did. I figured that being the Doctor's wife gave me some priority! I have been in pain for the better part of 8-years. Tedious tasks hurt. Hand labor hurt. I'm impressed at the improvement in both hands and arms in such a short period of time. This probably doesn't sound like a news flash to you, but it's life altering for me and you have my sincerest gratitude!”
Kevin Hawkinson
“I purchased a pair of your FLEXTEND gloves about 5 or 6 weeks ago. I love them, as they have been very beneficial to me. My arm pain during the day has decreased considerably. I still wear the wrist braces at night, but I look forward to being able to get rid of them, as my arms get stronger through the use of FLEXTEND. (I am a mailman and use my wrists thousands of times per day for sorting the mail in the office and then again sorting in the mailboxes on my route, which is primarily as apartment type route.)”
Liz Sanders
Patient Account Representative
“Before I started using FLEXTEND, my right hand had no use, and I was still experiencing the same symptoms I had before having surgery. Now that I have been using FLEXTEND on a regular basis, my right hand feels so much better, and my left hand is totally symptom-free! FLEXTEND has made a tremendous difference in my life in just two months. I am so grateful to FLEXTEND for improving my hands, and making me feel whole once again!”
Shirlee Kehney
Director, Financial Services
“I have been extremely pleased with the results that I have achieved from using FLEXTEND. Today, I am working full-time, with the pain-free use of my right hand!”
Bruce Sturtevant
Bank Executive
“My wrists feel great due to FLEXTEND and the exercises it performs. Thanks for helping my hands feel better so that I may continue my work and hobbies pain-free!”
Gary DeCarrico
Songwriter/Producer, Guitar and Keyboard Player
“My hands are the most valuable tools I have. After an injury to my hands and wrists, I found myself in severe pain and unable to write, or play an instrument. I began using FLEXTEND along with the recommended exercises, and the results have been spectacular! Now that I am able to resume my regular activities, I continue to use FLEXTEND once a day as a warm up before playing or writing. The fact that my hands are at full strength again, and that I no longer fear the onset of disabling pain, is one of the greatest feelings I've ever experienced!”
Linda Koenig
Medical Transcriptionist
“After being diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 1 year ago, I started using FLEXTEND. Now my hands are stronger, more flexible and the aching in my hands has totally disappeared. I can now enjoy activities, which I previously avoided for fear of injuring my hands further. FLEXTEND has truly helped turn my life around!”
Blue Mt. Valley Physical Therapy Clinic
“FLEXTEND is, by far, the most effective therapeutic device we have ever used for the treatment of cumulative trauma disorders, including carpal tunnel syndrome. We are amazed with the immediate, and long lasting results our patients experience while using FLEXTEND!”
Rose, age 65
Fresno, California
“I am very pleased with my FLEXTEND gloves and the way I have been treated by Balance Systems. I have seen a lot of improvement, but it takes time to heal and I am not healed completely yet. Without my gloves and exercises I'm sure I would be a cripple by now. When I get up in the morning my hands are very stiff and my gloves always bring my hands back to almost normal again. By doing a few "Quick Breaks" with FLEXTEND during the day, I can continue to do almost anything I want. My grip is not tight but at least I can hold on to things now. Most of all is the lack of pain in my hands and my getting full nights sleep without waking up. I no longer have to wear a brace on either hand. I highly recommend gloves to anyone willing to listen, including my doctor.”
Edward Baidy
“Your FLEXTEND product is absolutely fantastic! I haven't found a better engineered product. I've suffered hand/wrist problems (tendonitis/carpal tunnel syndrome) for almost a year. Exercise is the answer, but not any exercise. It must be the correct exercise(s) done the correct way. I believe FLEXTEND will help many sufferers of hand/wrist ailments. It has been my best friend the past few months. Keep up the good work and spread the good news about this unique exercise device.“
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